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Vyhledané záznamy
Celkem záznamů: 17867
ENGLISH - Information about coronavirus
17.4.2020 — Information about coronavirus Important links and information for foreigners about coronavirus in various languages: - Special website of the Ministry of Health on coronavirus in English: ...
6.4.2016 — GENERALLY BINDING DECREE on restrictive measures to protect local public order in connection with the operation of public street artistic production in public places (busking) On 28...
Implementation Plan to the Strategy Prague 2018-2019
2.10.2019 — Implementation Plan to the Capital City of Prague Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for 2018 – 2019 June 2018 ...
Klimatický závazek hl. m. Prahy, angl. verze (pdf)
3.8.2020 — Capital City of Prague PRAGUE CITY ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION Prague City Assembly Number 8/42 of 20 June 2019 regarding the declaration of a climate commitment for Prague Prague City...
Cities should play a key role in green recovery
8.7.2020 — Cities should play a key role in green recovery An open letter to the President and to the Members of the European Council by the mayors of Visegrad Group capitals 16 June 2020 ...
18.2.2004 — EN Official Journal of the European Communities3.3.2001 L 63/21 COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 438/2001 of 2 March 2001 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC)...
11.4.2009 — Museum Kampa Nadace Jana a Medy Mládkových / The Jan and Meda Mladek Foundation U Sovových mlýnů 2, 118 00 Praha 1 Tel.: 257 286 147, fax: 257 286 113, e-mail: karina.kottova@museumkampa.cz,...
11.9.2006 — 1 3 zá ří st ře d a D vo řá ko va s íň R ud ol fi na S e p te m b e r W e d n e sd a y 1 9 :3 0 D vo řá k H al l of R ud ol fi nu m 1 DMITRIJ ŠOSTAKOVIČ Hudba k filmu...
2.12.2011 — Prague Declaration (On the principles of effective local drug policies) The Prague Declaration is a statement of representatives of municipal governments, decision makers responsible for...
2.12.2011 — Prague Declaration (On the principles of effective local drug policies) The Prague Declaration is a statement of representatives of municipal governments, decision makers responsible for...
30.10.2023 — Tanec v galerii: Museography Choreography (fáze 1) Choreografie Alice Chauchat V čem je výstava choreografií? Může tanec rozkrýt vztahy, které působí v umělecké expozici? Ne 5....
Ověřovací studie rozvoje
16.10.2020 — Ověřovací studie rozvoje Pražské tržnice 01/2020 Veronika Marianovská, Vladimír Lieberzeit In st itu t p lá no vá ní a ro zv oj e hl av ní ho m ěs ta P ra hy / Se...