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Vyhledané záznamy
Celkem záznamů: 17862
Transport by Private Car
21.6.2008 — Transport by private car is recommended only if you need to cover longer distances or travel outside of the city.
Classical music at the Zoo
24.5.2019 — From May to September, you will not only hear tigers' roars and parrots' squawks, but also classical music at Prague Zoo. 'Hudební procházky' (Music Walks) will take place every Sunday at 1pm in Gočár's Houses.
Summer at Prague Exhibition Grounds
15.7.2019 — Prague Exhibition Grounds welcomes visitors to the summer season. Besides attractions for children, sports opportunities and picnic spots, a summer garden restaurant and a new bistro are also open. Now, visitors can enter the lower part of the Grounds directly from Stromovka. In addition to continuing works on bigger investment projects, smaller-scale improvements are gradually being completed.
Febiofest cancellation
13.3.2020 — The International Film Festival Prague, Febiofest 2020, which was to be held in Prague from the 19th to the 27th of March, is cancelled due to the emergency measures in place to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
Islands of musical discoveries in Karlín
30.5.2019 — From Friday, the 31st of May to Saturday, the 1st of June, the 16th United Islands of Prague festival will take place at Karlín, a popular location in Prague.
Gorazdova 13, čp. 1996
13.4.2005 —
Free entrance to the National Gallery
31.1.2020 — Entrance to the National Gallery will be free at the beginning of February on the occasion of the 224th anniversary of the foundation of the Society of Patriotic Friends of Art ('Společnost vlasteneckých přátel umění'). Take this unique opportunity to visit their collections and exhibitions on the 1st and 2nd of February.
Film and Architecture 2020 to unveil hidden stories
2.10.2020 — The 9th annual Film and Architecture festival, subtitled Hidden Stories, takes place from the 30th of September until the 7th of October. The themed film festival focusing on architecture takes place in several towns and cities in the Czech Republic. In Prague, the festival will screen twenty films about architecture, urbanism and design in the Světozor and CAMP cinemas. The screenings are supplemented by lectures and panel talks.
First stand up paddle board race in Prague
30.6.2019 — From the 5th to the 7th of July, a unique stand up paddleboard race (SUP) will take place in the historical centre of Prague, on the Vltava River near Střelecký Island ('Střelecký ostrov'). The first official SUP race in Prague is part of the tenth anniversary of the biggest European series, The Euro Tour. In addition to racing, the weekend will be full of sport opportunities for all paddle board enthusiasts. Paddle board fans of any level of experience will be able to borrow and try out paddle boards.
Freestyle Park In-line Cross poprvé v Praze
23.9.2009 — sobotu 26. září odstartuje ve Freestyle Parku Modřany poprvé v historii závod na in-line kolečkových bruslích - Freestyle Park In-line Cross. Na vítěze vyřazovacího závodu čeká 17 tisíc korun. Akce se koná pod záštitou náměstkyně primátora hl. m. Prahy Markéty Reedové.
Smíchovská synagoga čp. 290
29.3.2005 —