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Celkem záznamů: 17862
Emergency measures during the state of emergency

8.4.2020 — On the 12th of March 2020, the Czech government declared a state of emergency due to the coronavirus pandemic. The emergency was extended until 30 April.

Become an expert in astronomy!

28.10.2020 — Prague Planetarium and the Štefánik Observatory commence another two-year course in astronomy. Those who complete the course successfully will have an opportunity to work in the Astronomy Club of the Štefánik Observatory. The two-year astronomical course has been held for over 50 years and offers the participants basic knowledge of modern astronomy along with knowledge of the night sky and the basics of working with astronomical instruments.

Elektromobily, Plug-in hybridy a CNG vozy pro Prahu II.

24.2.2022 — Registrační číslo projektu: 1191100156

Úvoz 20, č.p. 162

27.10.2004 —


27.5.2005 —

Prague Castle hosts an art exhibition from the era of Wenceslas IV of Bohemia

19.9.2019 — An exhibition dedicated to the 600th anniversary of the birth of the Czech king Wenceslas IV (Václav IV.) is on in the Imperial Stables of Prague Castle until the 3rd of November. It will display the era of his rule, as well as Gothic art and architecture from around 1400 AD.

Opencard začne spolupracovat s In-kartou Českých drah

11.6.2010 — Rada hl. m. Prahy schválila text Memoranda o spolupráci mezi hl. m. Prahou a Českými drahami. Předpokládá se, že tak dojde k propojení pražské opencard a In-karty ČD. Díky tomu bude možné využívat některé služby obou karet pouze na jedné z nich. Dokument za hlavní město podepíše v nejbližší době primátor Prahy Pavel Bém.


8.4.2013 —

21 projects compete in climate change competition finals

16.8.2020 — The public voting for the Adapterra Awards competition has started. The competition aims to find the best ideas on how to prepare Czech cities, towns and landscapes for the effects of climate change, such as drought, rising temperatures and torrential rain. 21 projects have reached the final stage of the competition, five of which are from Prague. The public have until the end of September to choose the best projects in the Czech Republic tackling current challenges regarding climate change, such as creating green buildings and public spaces, cooling urban streets and returning water to the landscape.

Judith Hill introduces her new album at Jazz Dock

31.10.2019 — Judith Hill is an American singer who is gaining more and more popularity. She will visit Prague on the 1st of November as part of her European tour. She will present her latest album as one of the stars of JAZZ ON5 festival in Jazz Dock.

TISKOVÉ ZPRÁVY: Hvězda afrického hip hopu K´NAAN 7.12. 2006 v Paláci Akropolis

23.10.2006 — Pozvánka na koncert RESPECT PLUS podzim 2006