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Celkem záznamů: 22958
Discount for museums and galleries in Prague

30.6.2020 — Prague wants to thank its residents by offering them an opportunity to visit selected museums and galleries with a 50% discount over the summer holidays. All you have to do is to show your Lítačka Card.

Study in Prague

15.3.2017 —

Prague environmental information system (IOŽIP) and projects of the City

26.5.2006 — Information from the Yearbook Prague Environment 2005

Prague Zoo bringing vultures back to Bulgaria

15.9.2019 — For a long time, Prague Zoo has been involved in the project of returning Egyptian vultures (Neophron percnopterus) to the Balkans, which was once their natural habitat.

We Run Prague 2013

6.6.2013 — Nike zahájila registrace na třetí ročník závodu We Run Prague 2013. Jedná se o desetikilometrový běh centrem Prahy, který je určený pro běžecké nadšence i pro ty, kteří s během teprve začínají. Závod se uskuteční v sobotu 31. srpna, start bude v areálu Žlutých lázní. Trasa provede závodníky historickým centrem Prahy a po závodě pro ně bude připravena Afterparty.

The City of Prague Museum reopens Prague’s towers

17.5.2020 — If you enjoy looking at the city from a great height, you will be pleased to know that the City of Prague Museum is reopening the most popular Prague towers. The Czech capital city is also known as the City of a Hundred Spires ('Stověžatá Praha'). Only a few people know exactly how many towers there are in Prague; however, it is certainly over one hundred. In Prague, towers of all kinds are everywhere, even in the least expected places.

City of Prague acknowledges blood donors at Prague Symphony Orchestra (FOK) gala concert

30.9.2019 — The Czech capital wants to thank blood donors by inviting them to the first of three Prague Symphony Orchestra (FOK) concerts at the end of September. City representatives and representatives of the Czech Red Cross Regional Organisation (CRC) will also receive the Jánský Gold Medal, which is traditionally given to donors who give blood 40 times. Subsequent concerts are scheduled for February and May next year.

Kampaň Stay in Prague poprvé zaplatili sami turisté díky výnosům z poplatků z pobytu

11.10.2022 — Digitální kampaň Stay in Prague na podporu příjezdového cestovního ruchu zaujala nejvíce cestovatele v Polsku, Německu a Itálii. Hlavní město poprvé využilo výnosy z navýšeného poplatku z pobytu na marketingové aktivity. Kampaň oslovila zhruba 24 milionů lidí a na kampaňový web zavítaly téměř dva miliony návštěvníků. Zájem z těchto zemí potvrzují i data z online prodeje městské turistické karty Prague Visitor Pass, kdy přední příčky obsadili právě turisté z výše zmíněných zemí. Prague City Tourism (PCT) společně s partnery prezentovala metropoli jako prestižní a prémiové město podporující kultivovaný a udržitelný turismus.

Prague will systematically address the cultivation of nightlife

28.1.2019 — Prague City Council approved the members of a new Commission for the Night Mayor, the head of which will be Jan Štern. The commission's main goal will be to systematically work on long-term solutions for Prague's nightlife, to keep it within reasonable limits and to cultivate it at the same time. Members of this Commission will include representatives of Prague 1 and of the Municipal Police, as well as representatives of night clubs and organizers of cultural events. The aim is, on one hand, to reduce negative impacts of nightlife on the citizens of Prague, and on the other hand, to not damage the prosperity of the city ​​and its inhabitants.

222st Anniversary of the National Gallery – free admission

1.2.2018 — The National Gallery in Prague celebrates 222st anniversary of its establishment on February 3-4. On these days, admission to all permanent exhibitions of the National Gallery in Prague is free.