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Celkem záznamů: 22962
Curriculum Vitae - RNDr. Tomáš Hudeček, Ph. D.
25.7.2012 —
Revitalisation in Central Park in Chodov is completed
3.8.2019 — The revitalisation of the western part of Central Park in Chodov, Prague 11, carried out by 'Lesy hl. m. Prahy' (Prague City Forests) since spring 2018, was completed recently.
The opening of the summer tourist season at Prague Castle
8.5.2019 — On Saturday, the 11th of May, Prague Castle will officially open the summer tourist season. The seat of the Czech heads of state is on this day open to visitors completely for free. Apart from the opening of the summer season, the 100th anniversary of the Office of the President of the Republic will also be celebrated.
Světový turnaj v basketbalu 3x3 World Tour – Prague Masters
28.7.2022 — Nejlepší basketbal pod širým nebem. Nenechte si ujít světový turnaj v basketbalu 3x3 World Tour - Prague Masters. V pátek 29. a v sobotu 30. července budou hrát ženy 3x3 Women Series, v sobotu a v neděli muži. Přijďte nejen na skvělý basket, ale i za skvělou zábavou. Vstup je zdarma.
Praha láká kongresové turisty na prestižním veletrhu incetivní a kongresové turistiky IMEX ve Frankfurtu
21.5.2015 — Dnešním dnem vrcholí veletrh IMEX, jeden ze dvou nejvýznamnějších evropských veletrhů zaměřených na incentivní a kongresovou turistiku, jehož 13. ročník probíhá v německém Frankfurtu od úterý 19. května. V konkurenci stovek atraktivních destinací, reprezentovaných 3 500 vystavovateli z více než 150 zemí, usiluje o přízeň nákupčích v kongresovém průmyslu v samostatné expozici také Praha.
Stories of Sculptures II: Jeroným Kohl and Contemporaries
15.12.2019 — You will have the opportunity to attend an interesting lecture in the Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace, the educational centre of the Prague City Gallery, on the 17th of December. This time, the gallery has prepared a lecture on the famous Baroque sculptor Jerome Kohl and his works, as part of their lecture series Stories of Sculptures.
Prague’s Matějská pouť (St. Matthew’s Fair) Calls Forth the Arrival of Spring
19.2.2018 — The Prague Exhibition Grounds in Holešovice (Výstaviště Holešovice) will come to life on the 24th of February with the traditional fair of St. Matthew. Visitors can look forward to more than 115 different entertainment attractions, an accompanying program and, of course, stalls with typical fair fast food. This year's fair will last until April 15 and is again the first event of its kind in Europe.
Experience Prague Zoo with all your senses
15.11.2019 — On Sunday, the 17th of November, Prague Zoo will present an exhibition for people with sight loss, as well as for others to understand what it's like to perceive a zoo with senses other than sight.
First stand up paddle board race in Prague
30.6.2019 — From the 5th to the 7th of July, a unique stand up paddleboard race (SUP) will take place in the historical centre of Prague, on the Vltava River near Střelecký Island ('Střelecký ostrov'). The first official SUP race in Prague is part of the tenth anniversary of the biggest European series, The Euro Tour. In addition to racing, the weekend will be full of sport opportunities for all paddle board enthusiasts. Paddle board fans of any level of experience will be able to borrow and try out paddle boards.
Help Prague Zoo during the coronavirus pandemic
16.10.2020 — As a result of the further government regulations in relation to the coronavirus pandemic, Prague Zoo in Troja has had to close again. The zoo currently expects to close for 17 days, which means a big loss for the zoo. How can you help? Although Prague Zoo is largely funded by Prague City Hall, its resources are limited. Therefore, the zoo is asking the public for help.
Náměstkyně primátora Marie Kousalíková předala ceny vítězům Prague Open International IDSF 2009
14.9.2009 — Náměstkyně primátora hlavního města pro oblast školství Marie Kousalíková předala v sobotu večer ceny vítězům prvního finálového večera taneční soutěže Prague Open International IDSF 2009. Ten je již šestým ročníkem úspěšné mezinárodní soutěže ve standardních a latinskoamerických tancích a konal se tento víkend 12. a 13. září ve sportovní hale ARENA Sparta.