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Christmas markets in the center of Prague this year with a fairytale touch
1.12.2018 — Republic Square 1. - 30.12.2018 Wenceslas Square 1.12.2018 - 6.1.2019 Old Town Square 1.12.2018 - 6.1.2019
Waste water
29.5.2006 — The text from the chapter Wastewater published in yearbook Prague Environment 2005.
Prague under the spell of Christmas markets
17.12.2018 — The season of Advent, the four weeks leading into Christmas, is the time of Christmas markets where people are purchasing gifts for their loved ones and absorbing the Christmas atmosphere. Where will you find them in Prague? Traditionally, the largest two markets are in Staroměstské náměstí (Old Town Square) and Václavské náměstí (Wenceslas Square). This year's theme of the markets is fairy tales. The fairy tale motifs can be seen in the decorations. The daily performances on the stage in the Old Town Square is in line with the fairy tales theme. They will continue right through until the 6th of January 2019.
Where to go ice-skating in Prague?
14.12.2018 — The largest outdoor ice rink in Prague is in Letná. There is a standard (40x20 meter) rink + an additional separate children's area (10 x 15 meter) at your disposal. Letná piles on comforts offering a heated tent, skate rental and additional activities all free of charge. In the city centre and below the tower
New season of summer cinema in Prague
30.6.2019 — After the winter break, the new season of summer cinema has begun again. Open-air cinemas in Prague traditionally attract visitors every year from the beginning of June until the end of September. And the programme of films on offer is truly varied, including blockbusters and award-winning films, and less well-known films. So where can you enjoy screenings under the stars?
The National Museum has a unique new collection of Paleozoic fossils
31.1.2019 — The National Museum in Prague has one of the largest paleontological collections in Europe. Now, the collection has expanded with even more specimens. For last year's 200th anniversary, the Museum received a unique gift - a collection of fossils of Tertiary flora and fauna.
Collection of Pablo Picasso's etchings that are exhibited for the first time in the Czech Republic
6.1.2019 — The extensive graphic collection Passion and Guilt by the famous Spanish artist Pablo Picasso are on exhibit in Museum Kampa until the 15th of January 2019. The works, which were created in the 1930s, are on loan from the renowned Museo Reina Sofía (Queen Sofía Museum) in Madrid, Spain. They can be seen in the Czech Republic for the first time ever. The cycle is a collection of one hundred works that the artist compared to a diary, reflecting on his extraordinary life story.
Czech Museum of Music commemorates famous tenor Karel Burian
28.2.2020 — The Czech Museum of Music, which is part of the National Museum, is hosting an exhibition on the famous opera singer Karel Burian until the 2nd of March.
Interesting sculptures on Charles Square
28.9.2020 — Prague City Gallery manages several dozen public sculptures. Some of them can be found in Charles Square (Karlovo náměstí) in the city centre. Some of the most famous among them are the statue of the scientist, doctor, scholar and biologist Jan Evangelista Purkyně, the statue of the writer Eliška Krásnohorská and the statue of the writer Karolina Světlá.
Free tours of Prague to celebrate International Tourist Guide Day
16.2.2019 — On the 23rd of February 2019, the Czech Republic Guides Association will offer free guided tours to celebrate the International Tourist Guide Day. The International Tourist Guide Day is held annually on the 21st of February since 1985. Because the 21st is a Thursday, tour guides in most places decided to give free guided tours on Friday the 22nd or Saturday the 23rd of February. The event will take place throughout the Czech Republic. In Prague, tourists will have a choice between two guided tours.
Dance festival KoresponDance 2019 starts in Prague
23.6.2019 — Most of the international contemporary dance festival KoresponDance will take place at the Castle in Žďár nad Sázavou, but the opening event will be in Prague. On the 25th of June, dancers will entertain the audience with three performances at the historical building of Invalidovna in Prague. One of the highlights of the evening will be a solo performance by James Batchelor, one of Australia's most amazing dance artists.
The world as seen by photographer Jovan Dezort
21.12.2019 — The City of Prague Museum invites you to visit the photography exhibition by the renowned Czech photographer and reporter Jovan Dezort on the occasion of his 85th birthday. You have the opportunity to see a cross-section of his life's work until the 26th of April 2020.
OFENBACH In Prague - French DJs and producers will perform in Prague on 26th of September 2019 in the club Roxy.
25.9.2019 — Ofenbach are well know for their tracks like Be Mine, Katchi or Paradise. They are preparing a special show for Prague. Tickets for the event can be bought in GoOut and Ticketportal.
Lucerna Cinema will screen Nordic films with English subtitles
14.2.2019 — Lovers of Nordic movies are certainly looking forward to this year's annual festival Nordic Film Winter. Running from the 14th to the 19th of February 2019, the festival will offer 26 movies from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Lithuania. For six of them, it will be their Czech premiere! All films are subtitled in English. The traditional feast Nordic and Baltic film production is coming to Czech and Moravian cinemas for the ninth time, with 22 cinemas from all over the country taking part in the event.
25.7.2005 —
Prague will systematically address the cultivation of nightlife
28.1.2019 — Prague City Council approved the members of a new Commission for the Night Mayor, the head of which will be Jan Štern. The commission's main goal will be to systematically work on long-term solutions for Prague's nightlife, to keep it within reasonable limits and to cultivate it at the same time. Members of this Commission will include representatives of Prague 1 and of the Municipal Police, as well as representatives of night clubs and organizers of cultural events. The aim is, on one hand, to reduce negative impacts of nightlife on the citizens of Prague, and on the other hand, to not damage the prosperity of the city and its inhabitants.
Visit Peony Meadow
7.6.2020 — Like roses, peonies are seen as jewels of the garden. They have their own section in Prague Botanical Garden called Peony Meadow, which is very popular among visitors, and this is the best time to visit it.
Do not miss the exhibition of state gifts in the Senate
24.3.2019 — In the 'Mytologická chodba' (Mythological Corridor) of the 'Valdštejnský palác' (Wallenstein Palace), which is the seat of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, there is a unique exhibition of gifts that Senators have received from foreign delegations over the past twenty years. Gift exchanges are a traditional part of meetings of state officials with delegations from abroad. This diplomatic protocol was applied in Antiquity and its first written record is from the Congress of Vienna in 1815.
New parterre in front of the Šlechta Restaurant in Stromovka
11.7.2020 — A new parterre, an ornamental garden, has been created in front of the Šlechta Restaurant following the overall reconstruction of an area in Stromovka where a pond used to be. Stromovka, a former medieval game reserve, is the largest green space in Prague, with an area of 95 hectares.