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Vyhledané záznamy
Celkem záznamů: 17862
Building land price map
18.6.2009 —
Novinky a pilotní projekty
23.2.2014 —
Simple 2 Prime disuso instruite in con
12.5.2008 —
The Residence of the Mayor
19.1.2010 — The Residence of the Mayor of Prague is located in the new building of the Municipal Library, which was built between the years 1925 and 1928 by Prague Municipal Savings Bank as a gift for the capital city on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of its existence and also to mark the 10th anniversary of the Czechoslovak Republic.
Seafood & Prosecco at Malostranské Market
30.7.2020 — Whether you want to shop, eat or meet up with friends, Malostranské náměstí (Lesser Town Square) is the place to go on Thursday, the 30th of July. A popular farmers' market will take place on the busy square in the heart of the Czech capital, with a special offer on seafood and Prosecco. Thankfully, the popular market is not overly affected by restrictions, so you can freely enjoy shopping and socialising.
12th annual international tea festival
14.8.2020 — Čajomír Fest, the international tea festival, will once again offer two days of tea tastings, great food and drink, music, dancing, a children's zone and a tea school. You can enjoy the pleasant atmosphere of the festival over the weekend of the 15th and 16th of August in the beautiful surroundings of Vyšehrad.
7.9.2007 — Pozvánka na koncert 21.11. v 19:30 v Paláci Akropolis
Prague co-organises ICGAI Congress
28.2.2020 — Prague City Council has recently approved for the city of Prague to participate in the organisation of the 1st International Congress for the Governance of AI (ICGAI/ Prague 2020). The subject of the congress will be the regulation and ethics of artificial intelligence.
Traffic restrictions on Bělohorská Street
4.4.2019 — From Monday, the 1st of April 2019, traffic on Bělohorská Street will be partially restricted between Za Oborou Street and Slezanů Street.
Visitors Information
13.12.2010 —
Návštěva zástupců indiánských kmenů z Amazonie
6.10.2009 — Zástupci Federace indiánských organizací z amazonské oblasti Rio Negro (FOIRN) a sdružení Klimatická Aliance přijeli do Čech v rámci projektu „Let the sunshine in …“ a dnes jsou na návštěvě v Praze. V 17.00 hodin je na Staroměstské radnici přijme pražský radní pro životní prostředí Petr Štěpánek a od 18.00 hodin budou na Nové radnici společně diskutovat o dopadu těžby deštných pralesů na život indiánských komunit i o porušování lidských práv v tomto regionu.
PID Lítačka travel card extended by three years
29.1.2020 — PID Lítačka Prague city transport cards, which were first issued in 2016, are set to expire this year. However, the company ICT Operator and Prague City Hall decided to automatically extend the card validity by three years. Therefore, passengers whose cards were due to expire this year will be capable of travelling with Lítačka around Prague and Prague Central Bohemia until 2023.
New public transport measures
22.3.2020 — According to the Mayor of Prague's instruction, all public transport passengers in Prague are obliged to use respiratory protection, such as a mask, bandana or scarf, from the 17th of March onwards.
Celebration of the State Day
13.10.2017 — Customary celebrations of the Independent Czechoslovak State Day include, for example, the appointment of generals by the president, the participation of the Head of State during the Castle Guard oath or awarding of State Honors in the Vladislav Hall at Prague Castle. Significant buildings that are otherwise inaccessible will be open to the public.
Six film-premieres at the Scandi festival
8.1.2020 — Scandi, the festival of the best current Nordic cinema, offers dramas, thrillers, and provocative documentaries. The festival will take place in Prague cinemas Lucerna, Edison Filmhub, Evald and Atlas from the 9th to the 12th of January.
Pražský primátor Pavel Bém předal stříbrnou medaili Hlavního města Prahy Waldemarovi Matuškovi in memoriam a Karlu Gottovi
25.6.2009 — Primátor hlavního města Prahy Pavel Bém udělil ve čtvrtek 25. června cenu Hlavního města Prahy – stříbrnou medaili – Waldemaru Matuškovi in memoriam a Karlu Gottovi jako zvláštní projev úcty a ocenění jejich reprezentace v oblasti populární hudby a zásluh o šíření mezinárodního věhlasu HMP. Primátor Bém ve svém projevu poděkoval oběma umělcům za jejich celoživotní práci a vyjádřil zármutek nad smrtí Waldemara Matušky.
Šporkova 3, čp. 322, Kleinseite, Prag 1
1.9.2005 —