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Vyhledané záznamy
Celkem záznamů: 17862
The Chapel of St. Cross on Petřín Hill underwent a complete reconstruction
27.1.2020 — The Municipal Environmental Protection Department of Prague City Hall was responsible for the completion of the reconstruction of the Chapel of St. Cross on Petřín Hill. The chapel, which was damaged by leaking water, is close to Petřín Tower Park Cross. The cost of the repairs was CZK 2.8 million.
Statistics 2022
19.5.2022 — Statistics 2022
Rada jmenovala grantovou komisi pro oblast kultury a umění
22.9.2009 — Městská rada dnes zrušila s účinností ke dni 22. 9. 2009 komisi Rady hl. m. Prahy pro udělování grantů hl. m. Prahy v oblasti kultury a umění, zřídila komisi novou a jmenovala její členy.
City Gallery Prague
16.3.2009 —
Enjoy the French wine festival at the New Town Hall
21.6.2019 — On the 22nd of June, the third annual 'Le Pavillon Français', will take place at the New Town Hall in Prague 2. Come to taste wines and delicacies, meet winemakers and enjoy the friendly atmosphere of the wine festival organised by wine merchant Chez Greg.
Manifesto Smíchov: a lively place in the heart of Prague
17.7.2019 — The new era of Smíchov is here, with the opening weekend of Manifesto Smíchov! From the 19th to the 21st of July, you can enjoy great music, food and drink. Manifesto Smíchov aims to pump life into the beating heart of the Smíchov community and has prepared a wonderful weekend for its visitors, encouraging them to rediscover its charm.
New entrance to the Botanical Garden in Troja
19.10.2020 — A barrier-free entrance to Prague Botanical Garden was opened in the southern part of St. Claire's Vineyard at the end of September. The garden had been planning to build a new entrance for several years, and their waiting has finally paid off. From now on, visitors can comfortably enter St. Claire's Vineyard directly from Trojská Street, at the intersection between the vineyard walls and Troja Château, where the Kovárna bus stop is conveniently situated.
Czech singer Tereza Krippnerová will sing songs of the jazz legend Nina Simone at the Reduta Jazz Club
23.1.2020 — On the 25th of January, Reduta Jazz Club in Prague will host a concert of the Czech singer Tereza Krippnerová, who will sing music of the American singer, pianist and author Nina Simone. The concert will be part of the concert series 'Tribute to World Legends', which reminds audiences attending concerts at the Reduta Jazz Club of outstanding personalities of international jazz. This time, the evening will belong to the legacy of Nina Simone.
The Map of Accessibility helps ZTP card holders with special needs to find parking
24.2.2019 — The Map of Accessibility has been making life easier not only for people with reduced mobility but also for seniors and parents with prams since 2016. Currently, detailed and regularly updated information on barrier-free accessibility for more than 1 100 buildings and public spaces in the City of Prague can be found on the map.
National Library of Technology celebrates its tenth birthday
8.9.2019 — On the 9th of September, the modern building of the National Library of Technology will celebrate its tenth birthday. A rich programme with guided tours and concerts will be prepared for this occasion.
Food Festival in Prague Botanical Garden
12.7.2019 — On the 13th and the 14th of July, Prague Botanical Garden invites you to a culinary weekend. Come to the Food Festival to taste unconventional delicacies, listen to good music and enjoy floral decorations!
City od prague partner cities
1.8.2019 —
Nabídka letních sportovních příměstských táborů 2024
22.4.2024 — In-line, cyklistický, gymnastický či multisportovní příměstský tábor pro děti pod vedením zkušených trenérů – to je nabídka sportovních kempů pro nadcházející letní sezónu.
26.5.2022 — Statistics 2023 (actualized data 08.02.2024)
Prague City Council approve Negrelli Viaduct renovations
29.6.2019 — The extensive reconstruction of the Negrelli Viaduct, the second oldest bridge in Prague, will be followed by the transformation of the bridge's surrounding area, including the space beneath it. According to the proposal recently approved by Prague City Council, a new creative space with cafes, a library, and/or a summer theatre space could be developed under the viaduct.
Immovable cultural monuments
17.12.2012 —
Enjoy a steam train ride at the weekend
12.6.2020 — Czech Railways have prepared nostalgic train rides for the coming weekend, the 13th and 14th of June. The Čtyřkolák steam engine will bring passengers on a historic train journey on a romantic route through the Prokopské Valley and the Prague Semmering.
Petr Hlubuček: Pražská zoo odevzdá ze vstupného více než čtyři miliony korun na podporu ohrožených zvířat ve volné přírodě
20.11.2018 — Hlavní město Praha je prostřednictvím zoologické zahrady zapojeno už více než deset let do mezinárodního systému podpory projektů na záchranu ohrožených druhů ve volné přírodě. Dosud pražská zoo věnovala na tyto projekty dvě koruny z každého vstupu. Za letošní rok to už budou koruny tři, jak dnes schválila městská rada. Návštěvnost zoo se letos dostala přes 1 400 000 vstupů.