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Úvěry hl. m. Prahy

8.9.2022 — Hlavní město Praha spolupracuje s Evropskou investiční bankou (EIB) od roku 1999. Úvěrové zdroje EIB jsou plně v souladu s dlouhodobou finanční politikou hl.m.Prahy a jsou využívány pro realizaci "strategických investičních akcí". EIB úvěry byly v minulosti využity i na sanaci města po povodni v roce 2002. EIB je v současné době největším věřitelem hl.m.Prahy.

Vyšehrad summer scene comes alive with acrobats and music

15.5.2019 — From the 17th to the 23rd of May 2019, Losers Cirque Company's Open Air Festival is taking place at Vyšehrad. Over the course of seven evenings, audiences will enjoy a varied programme prepared especially for this festival. In addition to the Losers' new circus, festival goers can look forward to great musicians and a beatboxer.

Statistics 2021

23.12.2021 — Statistics 2021

Freestyle Park Modřany

27.12.2010 — Areál s dominantou 70 metrové lodi a více než 20 000 m2  vhodný nejen pro široké volnočasové aktivity, ale také odpočinek a relaxaci. Hřiště pro beach volejbal, pétanque, zelená plocha pro jiné aktivity a odpočinek i zóna pro nejmenší. Areál protíná in-line dráha a cyklostezka, která je vhodná pro bruslaře i cyklisty. Nachází se zde půjčovna in-line bruslí a koloběžek.

State of emergency - COVID-19

13.3.2020 — On Thursday, March 12, the Czech government approved the announcement of an emergency situation throughout the Czech Republic. Emergency is declared for 30 days. Since March 16, Czech government declared ban on traveling abroad and entry of foreigners into the Czech Republic from all around the world. The measures are in effect until further notice. All information can be found at: https://www.mzcr.cz/Cizinci/, optionally at: https://www.mzv.cz/jnp/en/index.html.

test 1 médiacentrum

27.3.2007 — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In nonummy, nibh a venenatis bibendum, lorem ante lobortis est, vel auctor sapien augue Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In nonummy, nibh a venenatis bibendum, lorem ante lobortis est, vel auctor sapien augue

Matějská, the biggest funfair in the Czech Republic, temporarily closes

20.3.2020 — The traditional Matějská funfair, which started at the Prague Exhibition Grounds on the 22nd of February, is temporarily closed due to emergency measures related to the coronavirus.

Petr Hlubuček: Pražská zoo odevzdá ze vstupného více než čtyři miliony korun na podporu ohrožených zvířat ve volné přírodě

20.11.2018 — Hlavní město Praha je prostřednictvím zoologické zahrady zapojeno už více než deset let do mezinárodního systému podpory projektů na záchranu ohrožených druhů ve volné přírodě. Dosud pražská zoo věnovala na tyto projekty dvě koruny z každého vstupu. Za letošní rok to už budou koruny tři, jak dnes schválila městská rada. Návštěvnost zoo se letos dostala přes 1 400 000 vstupů.

Aerial Photographs

18.6.2009 —

Visit Prague City Gallery exhibitions online

23.3.2020 — Art institutions, including Prague City Gallery, are adapting to the new situation and restrictions. The gallery is keeping in touch with its visitors online.

Discover Siberian shamanism with Stanislav Krupař

20.9.2020 — The Náprstek Museum will host a talk on shamanism with the journalist and photographer Stanislav Krupař on the 23rd of September. The lecture 'The current state of shamanism in Tuva' is a part of the accompanying programme of the current exhibition 'At Home in Siberia'.

Czech Press Photo 2017

1.12.2017 — Old Town Hall to host the best of Czech Press Photo 2017 until the end of January. The exhibition presents a total of almost 500 photographs and videos from over 100 authors.

Volunteers help families with children with special needs

10.4.2020 — The number of volunteers who have registered at the Czech Red Cross tents in Mariánské Square continues to increase. A total of 3,164 volunteers had registered by the 8th of April. Prague is now able to expand its offer of help to families who have children with special needs. As services for them are now limited and special schools are closed, the situation is more challenging than before.