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Vyhledané záznamy
Celkem záznamů: 17862
Barokní podvečery
12.2.2014 —
Prague forests - introduction
17.6.2005 —
NO! IN NATURE - informační DL leták, vyd. 2022
20.10.2023 — Součást sady výstupů připravených v rámci osvětové kampaně hl. m. Prahy NE! v přírodě. Textové informace jsou doplněny fotografiemi fotografa Matěje Derecka Harda.
Coach Transport
21.6.2008 — Coaches connect the Capital City not only with other individual parts of the city but also with the whole of Europe. Regular coach routes travel to all the important locations both within and outside the EU. The most important coach station is Florenc Central Coach Station, located in the very heart of the city.
Czech Press Photo 2019
17.1.2020 — Selected photographs from the 25th annual Czech Press Photo are being exhibited in the Old Town Hall.
Traffic measures on the Malešická Street
23.2.2020 — From the 24th of February to the end of July 2020, Malešická Street in Prague 10 will be closed to public and private transport between the intersection with K Červenému dvoru Street and the intersection with Olgy Havlové Street due to major reconstructions in this section.
Restoration of tower clocks on historic Prague buildings
19.5.2020 — The tower clocks on seventeen of Prague's major historic buildings will be restored this year.
Anita Lindahl Trosdahl
15.11.2021 —
Drug treatment establishments in Prague
18.6.2009 —
18.8.2008 — zahrada I. kategorie je součástí komplexu zahrad vrchu Petřína
Praha udělí čestné občanství zpěvačce Kubišové, houslistovi Hudečkovi a stříbrnou medaili in memoriam doktorce Černé
16.5.2022 — Hlavní město Praha rozšíří seznam svých čestných občanů o zpěvačku Martu Kubišovou a houslistu Václava Hudečka. Doktorka Milena Černá bude in memoriam oceněna stříbrnou medaili hlavního města Prahy. Rozhodli o tom v pondělí pražští radní a materiály budou ještě schvalovat zastupitelé na svém dalším jednání.
Smíchovská synagoga čp. 290
13.4.2005 —
16.8.2005 —
Evening full of music, dance and entertainment
7.1.2019 — Dance is a splendid art of movement that brings joy and gratification to both dancers and spectators. If you are passionate about dancing, you will surely enjoy DanceTime Gala Ball 2019, which will take place on the 12th of January 2019 in Grand Hotel Bohemia in Prague. The ball is the conclusion of the second year of the DanceTime Gala Cup, a special dance competition where one professional and one amateur work together as dancing partners. The event is organized by the society Tanec pro všechny, which aims to promote social dance at all levels and make it accessible to as many people as possible.
TISKOVÁ ZPRÁVA: The Young Gods & Jeremy Narby: Amazonia Ambient Project - Palac Akropolis - sobota 28.04. v 15:00
18.4.2007 — Pozvánka do Paláce Akropolis
Press Release: April in Museum Kampa
11.4.2009 —
Prague Proms welcomes exceptional artists
17.5.2019 — On the 18th of May 2019, the next annual Prague Proms International Festival, a prominent summer gala by the Czech National Symphony Orchestra, will start. Visitors will enjoy great concerts of classical, film and jazz music. The annual participation of top foreign artists is evidence that this is a prestigious project. Celebrities such as opera singer Edita Gruber, conductor Marcello Rota, Swedish trumpeter Lasse Lingren, saxophonist Brandford Marsalise and his Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra - one of the best active big bands in the world, phenomenal soprano Anna Netrebko, and the big band Buddy Roche all accepted the invitation, along with many other big-name artists.
ČTYŘI DNY : Four Cities in Motion
16.9.2008 —