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Biggest international floorball tournament comes to Prague
5.8.2019 — The international floorball tournament Czech Open 2019 will take place in thirteen halls across Prague from the 8th to the 11th of August. The tournament is not only for elite world teams, but also for amateur and junior teams. The 28th international floorball tournament is considered one of the largest and most prestigious in the world. The biggest stars regularly come to Prague for this event.
British singer Jade Bird presents self-titled debut album in Prague
29.2.2020 — British musician Jade Bird will play her style of American folk music at NoD Roxy club in Prague on the 2nd of March. This will be her first performance in the Czech Republic. British singer-songwriter Jade Elizabeth Bird is rapidly becoming one of the most interesting young, female voices in music. She has distinctive vocals and strong melodies, and brilliantly interprets American folk for European ears.
Prague Zoo exhibition captures the beauty of Przewalski’s horses
31.10.2020 — Do not despair if you missed the exhibition 'The Beauty of Wild Horses' in Prague Zoo before its closure. The garden has prepared an online version of the exhibition, which is now available on their website. Prague Zoo has played an important role in saving Przewalski's horse from extinction since 1921, and more recently, in returning these wild horses to their natural habitat, the steppes of central Asia. The zoo also keeps a breed registry for Przewalski's horse species.
Final farewell to Karel Gott
10.10.2019 — Up to 300,000 people are expected to come to Žofín Palace in Prague to pay their final respects to Karel Gott this Friday. Masarykovo Embankment, which is close to the venue, will be pedestrianised. The Office of the Government of the Czech Republic will work with the police, the army and Prague City Hall for the smooth organisation of the event.
21 projects compete in climate change competition finals
16.8.2020 — The public voting for the Adapterra Awards competition has started. The competition aims to find the best ideas on how to prepare Czech cities, towns and landscapes for the effects of climate change, such as drought, rising temperatures and torrential rain. 21 projects have reached the final stage of the competition, five of which are from Prague. The public have until the end of September to choose the best projects in the Czech Republic tackling current challenges regarding climate change, such as creating green buildings and public spaces, cooling urban streets and returning water to the landscape.
Zápis z 49.schůze komise Rady HMP - redakční rada
20.2.2003 — ze dne 3.1.2003
The fifth annual Flamenco Day will be held in Prague
20.11.2019 — From the 21st to the 24th of November, Prague will host the Flamenco Day festival. This time, the festival will commemorate the fifteenth anniversary of the death of the flamenco king Antonio Gades.
Czech Technical University and Czech Academy of Sciences develop new half mask
15.4.2020 — The Czech Technical University in Prague and the Czech Academy of Sciences have developed and tested a new protective respirator half mask in Prague. It fits better than FFP2 respirators, which are imported from Asia and are less effective in Europe due to their different shape.
Small water courses - introduction
17.6.2005 —
Tisková zpráva / United Islands of Prague
26.5.2017 —
Primátorka převzala ocenění za přínos v oblasti Smart Cities od Fakulty dopravní ČVUT
25.1.2018 — Primátorka hlavního města Prahy Adriana Krnáčová převzala Gerstnerovu medaili od Fakulty dopravní ČVUT za přínos v oblasti Smart Cities a za spolupráci s fakultou samotnou.
Praha podepsala memorandum k podpoře cestovního ruchu
10.11.2021 — Hlavní město Praha dnes podepsalo memorandum s Asociací hotelů a restaurací ČR a společností Prague City Tourism. Vzájemná dohoda odstartuje spolupráci na propagaci hlavního města v zahraničí a podpoře příjezdového cestovního ruchu. Současně se jím Praha také zavazuje investovat více finančních prostředků do kultivace a rozvoje udržitelného cestovního ruchu. Ty však nepůjdou z kapes Pražanů, ale z poplatku z pobytu, který chce Praha od ledna navýšit na 50 Kč.
Praha má první Brest Unit – specializované pracoviště pro diagnostiku a léčbu prsu
20.9.2011 — Primátor hl. m. Prahy Bohuslav Svoboda se dnes zúčastnil slavnostního otevření nového a jedinečného centra Brest Unit Prague - specializovaného komplexního pracoviště pro včasnou diagnostiku a léčbu prsu. Vyplní tak chybějící a požadovanou kapacitu v síti screeningových pracovišť v Praze.
Mezinárodní hudební festival Prague Proms 2015
25.5.2015 —
Prague Metropolitan Festival
21.12.2009 — prezentace projektu
Eurocarnival and 25th Festival of Guggemusic Ensembles
23.1.2018 — Eurocarnival and the Festival of Guggemusic Ensembles is coming back to Prague after a big success in 2006 and 2010! It will be held from 25 January to 27 January
LIVER MUSIC s.r.o.: Prague International Bluenights
11.11.2008 —
Halové mistrovství ČR v plážovém volejbale do 22 let bude ve Střešovicích
25.3.2015 — Mladí nadějní beachvolejbalisté a beachvolejbalistky se utkají o velikonočním víkendu na písku Prague Beach Teamu ve Střešovicích. Ve hře bude titul halových mistrů a mistryň České republiky. Loňský šampionát, který rovněž hostily Střešovice, ovládly dvojice Beneš – Perušič a Bendíková – Vaňková.