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Vyhledané záznamy
Celkem záznamů: 7886
Increase of ponds in Prague
19.7.2019 — Two new ponds and one revitalized pond serve as recreational spaces for the residents of Prague and contribute to the increase of biodiversity. They are owned by the City of Prague and managed by 'Lesy hlavního města Prahy' (Prague City Forests).
Prague to host festival dedicated to famous Czech composer
15.10.2019 — From the 16th to the 18th of October, Zelenka Festival Prague - Dresden will feature the work of Baroque genius Jan Dismas Zelenka. The festival venues are the Church of the Virgin Mary under the Chain ('kostel Panny Marie pod řetězem') in the Lesser Town ('Malá Strana') and the Knight Hall of the Grand Priory Palace ('Rytířský sál Velkopřevorského paláce').
Vrtba garden (Vrtbovská zahrada)
15.6.2005 —
Waste management in Prague – maps and lists
5.1.2006 —
Mayors of the V4 capitals extended congratulations to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel
15.7.2020 — The mayors of the V4 capitals have signed an open letter to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel in which they extended their congratulations to Germany's Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The Mayors have also expressed their commitment to the European Green Deal and the need for significantly increased direct green urban funding in the EU's next Multiannual Financial Framework.
Prague City Assembly
21.11.2018 — Prague City Assembly has 65 members that are elected in municipal elections by Prague citizens for a four-year period. The following parties, movement, and coalition are represented for the election period 2018 - 2022: Česká pirátská strana, PRAHA SOBĚ, koalice "TOP 09, STAN a KDU-ČSL", ODS, ANO 2011. Prague City Assembly holds a session once a month (or as needed) and its meetings are open to the public. Meetings of the Assembly are convened in writing and made available to the public. Prague City Hall Assembly decides on significant matters that concern Prague. It puts forward bills in the Chamber of Deputies and approves the Prague City budget, both of which have been previously discussed with individual city districts. Additionally, the Assembly approves the City and territorial districts development programs, issues generally binding regulations, grants honorary citizenships, and awards of the City of Prague. Detailed competences are laid down in Section 59 of the Act on the Capital City of Prague. List of Members of Prague City Assembly
3.6.2011 —
Have a picnic at Prague Exhibition Grounds
17.5.2020 —
Visit the Folimanka nuclear fallout shelter
17.1.2020 — Folimanka Shelter, an underground nuclear fallout shelter in Prague 2, is certainly worth a visit, especially given that it was kept secret for decades in case of a general threat to the city's residents, and was therefore not accessible to the public.
Discover Siberian shamanism with Stanislav Krupař
20.9.2020 — The Náprstek Museum will host a talk on shamanism with the journalist and photographer Stanislav Krupař on the 23rd of September. The lecture 'The current state of shamanism in Tuva' is a part of the accompanying programme of the current exhibition 'At Home in Siberia'.
05252004-rozhovor-JUDr. Petr Hulinský, náměstek primátora hl. m. Prahy-Právo-Pražský maratón sleduje celý svět
25.5.2004 — Jeho sportovní i společenský význam je bezpochyby obrovský, protože pražský maratón patří k největším běhům na celém světě, například je to partnerský sportovní podnik maratónu v New Yorku. Letošní účast, tři týdny po našem vstupu do EU, byla největší v historii, běželo více než 4200 sportovců.
Finanční příspěvky města pro sportovní akce
18.8.2009 — Rada hlavního města Prahy schválila přidělení finančních prostředků v celkové výši 2 340 000 korun na podporu sportovních akcí v roce 2009. Hlavní město Praha na tyto akce přispívá a podporuje je v rámci partnerství při jejich pořádání.
Blíží se konec akce Milostivé léto II, lidé tak mají poslední možnost zbavit se jednoduše dluhů i vůči hlavnímu městu a městským organizacím
14.11.2022 — Pražané, kteří se dostali do exekucí kvůli nesplaceným poplatkům, pokutám či nájmům vůči Magistrátu hl. m. Prahy, jeho městským organizacím či městským částem, mají v těchto dnech poslední možnost využít akce Milostivé léto II a zaplatit mnohem menší dluh. Ze strany dlužníků je o akci i tentokrát velký zájem, končí však už 30. listopadu 2022. Hlavní město při této příležitosti spustilo informační kampaň, k dispozici je stále také bezplatná linka 800 100 000.
Complete system of municipal waste management
13.9.2005 —
Prague - 50x culture events
25.3.2009 —
New Year’s Day Fireworks Display in Prague City 2019
1.1.2019 — An hour before the fireworks display begins, lasers will project a countdown onto Letná hill, which will entertain spectators waiting for the display to start. The first sound effects will be blasted fifteen minutes before 6 pm, others will follow at 10, 5 and 1 minute before the start of the show.An hour before the fireworks display begins, lasers will project a countdown onto Letná hill, which will entertain spectators waiting for the display to start. The first sound effects will be blasted fifteen minutes before 6 pm, others will follow at 10, 5 and 1 minute before the start of the show.
New Year’s Day Fireworks Display in Prague City 2019
1.1.2019 — An hour before the fireworks display begins, lasers will project a countdown onto Letná hill, which will entertain spectators waiting for the display to start. The first sound effects will be blasted fifteen minutes before 6 pm, others will follow at 10, 5 and 1 minute before the start of the show.An hour before the fireworks display begins, lasers will project a countdown onto Letná hill, which will entertain spectators waiting for the display to start. The first sound effects will be blasted fifteen minutes before 6 pm, others will follow at 10, 5 and 1 minute before the start of the show.
Prague City Gallery: introducing young artists
30.4.2019 — Prague City Gallery has prepared yet another exhibition as part of the 'Start up' series, which is a great opportunity for younger generations of Czech visual artists.