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Celkem záznamů: 22962
British singer Jade Bird presents self-titled debut album in Prague

29.2.2020 — British musician Jade Bird will play her style of American folk music at NoD Roxy club in Prague on the 2nd of March. This will be her first performance in the Czech Republic. British singer-songwriter Jade Elizabeth Bird is rapidly becoming one of the most interesting young, female voices in music. She has distinctive vocals and strong melodies, and brilliantly interprets American folk for European ears.

Prague Zoo exhibition captures the beauty of Przewalski’s horses

31.10.2020 — Do not despair if you missed the exhibition 'The Beauty of Wild Horses' in Prague Zoo before its closure. The garden has prepared an online version of the exhibition, which is now available on their website. Prague Zoo has played an important role in saving Przewalski's horse from extinction since 1921, and more recently, in returning these wild horses to their natural habitat, the steppes of central Asia. The zoo also keeps a breed registry for Przewalski's horse species.


7.1.2008 —

Halové mistrovství ČR v plážovém volejbale do 22 let bude ve Střešovicích

25.3.2015 — Mladí nadějní beachvolejbalisté a beachvolejbalistky se utkají o velikonočním víkendu na písku Prague Beach Teamu ve Střešovicích. Ve hře bude titul halových mistrů a mistryň České republiky. Loňský šampionát, který rovněž hostily Střešovice, ovládly dvojice Beneš – Perušič a Bendíková – Vaňková.

Eurocarnival and 25th Festival of Guggemusic Ensembles

23.1.2018 — Eurocarnival and the Festival of Guggemusic Ensembles is coming back to Prague after a big success in 2006 and 2010! It will be held from 25 January to 27 January

Prague Metropolitan Festival

21.12.2009 — prezentace projektu


15.3.2017 —

Prague Has New Ordinance for Street Art Production - Busking

8.1.2020 — Information on the operation of public street artistic production (busking) in Prague with regard to the new legislation in effect since 1 March 2016 - City of Prague Decree No. 1/2016 Coll. on restrictive measures to protect local public order in connection with the operation of public street artistic production in public places.