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Vyhledané záznamy
Celkem záznamů: 22963
Nová kampaň Prahy má za cíl zvýšit zájem o posilující dávky očkování proti nemoci covid-19
24.1.2022 — Hlavní město spouští další vlnu kampaně k očkování. Reaguje tak na zmenšující se zájem o posilující dávky a také na skutečnost, že od dnešního dne je zpřístupněno očkování třetí dávkou i pro děti starší 12 let. Praha zároveň upozorňuje na nutnost pravidelného testování a zodpovědného chování ke snížení šíření nákazy. Kampaň znovu vznikla ve spolupráci Magistrátu hl. m. Prahy a agentury DDB Prague.
Nová kampaň Prahy má za cíl zvýšit zájem o posilující dávky očkování proti nemoci covid-19
24.1.2022 — Hlavní město spouští další vlnu kampaně k očkování. Reaguje tak na zmenšující se zájem o posilující dávky a také na skutečnost, že od dnešního dne je zpřístupněno očkování třetí dávkou i pro děti starší 12 let. Praha zároveň upozorňuje na nutnost pravidelného testování a zodpovědného chování ke snížení šíření nákazy. Kampaň znovu vznikla ve spolupráci Magistrátu hl. m. Prahy a agentury DDB Prague.
Slavnostní zahajovací koncert PKF - Prague Philharmonia
27.9.2013 — Zahájí sezonu stylovým repertoárem českých velikánů za doprovodu Pražského filharmonického sboru a norského barytonisty Auduna Iversena.
Live classical music concerts to celebrate Municipal House reopening
23.5.2020 — Prague Symphony Orchestra, also known as 'FOK', for 'Film-Opera-Koncert', is preparing the event 'Roušky se odkládají, salónky ožívají' ('Masks are put aside, halls are coming to life') in cooperation with the Municipal House. The event will make the reopening of the Municipal House a unique experience on the 25th of May from 6pm to 8pm. Halls that are usually accessible to the general public only on special occasions and with paid guided tours will come to life with free, short multi-genre concerts by Prague Symphony Orchestra's members.
Goethe-Institut screening of a German drama
10.3.2020 — 'Greetings from Fukushima' is a German drama which will be screened on the 11th of March in the Goethe-Institut in Prague. The award-winning film deals with the consequences of a nuclear disaster and interpersonal relationships.
Exhibition in Gallery 35: ‘Sibylle Bergemann. Photographien’
30.9.2019 — The French Institute in Prague is hosting an exhibition of Sibylle Bergemann's photography until the 24th of October. Bergemann is one of the most important German photographers of the last decade.
Historické linky č. 42 a 43 vyjedou na své trasy
28.6.2021 — Od 1. července do 31. srpna 2021 budou v Praze v provozu dvě nové historické linky číslo 42 a 43, které propojí nejvyhledávanější turistické cíle v centru a fungují na principu hop-on, hop-off.
Odběr varovných zpráv podpoříme propagační kampaní“
31.8.2015 — Pražský deník | 31.8.2015 | Rubrika: Z metropole | Strana: 2 | Autor: (vac) | Téma: Volené orgány - Primátorka - Adriana Krnáčová
4. čtvrtletí
20.2.2017 — Počet hostů hlavního města v r. 2016 poprvé překročil hranici 7 milionů - nové předběžné statistiky příjezdového turismu za rok 2016 a 4. čtvrtletí 2016 (ČSÚ)
Informace z MHMP-OKP: Filmové dokumenty podpořené hl. m. Prahou
5.5.2010 — Informace o filmových dokumentech podpořené hl. m. Prahou
Who we are
17.12.2012 —
Lavender field in Prague Botanical Garden – a ‘Czech Provence’
15.8.2020 — There are not many people who would resist the beauty of lavender. Prague Botanical Garden grows a great number of this medicinal plant species in its outdoor exhibition, including whole lavender field which makes you feel like you are in the beautiful region of Provence. Lavender grows primarily is the western Mediterranean, and the lavender fields in the southeast of France are a great tourist attraction.
Visit the popular Náplavka Farmers’ Market on the Vltava riverbank
24.2.2020 — 'Náplavka', meaning riverbank, refers to the embankment of the Vltava River between Palacký Bridge and Railway Bridge in Prague 2, a place where farmers' markets have regularly been held for 11 years. Even though it is not the largest in the Czech capital city, the market is unsurpassed with its friendly, relaxed atmosphere, which is one of the reasons that it is one of the most popular markets in the city. The 2020 season started in February, and the market is held every Saturday.
Explore trilobite fossils in Prague Zoo
22.9.2020 — All visitors to the zoo probably know the pavilions, enclosures and expositions. However, the zoological garden also offers the opportunity to walk local trails, leading to a time when the planet Earth was just being formed. The Geostezka path leading from the ungulate enclosures to Gočár Houses in the upper part of the zoo winds around the rock massif so closely that it does not allow for the construction of pavilions and enclosures with animals. Here, visitors can focus on the paleontological trail called 'Footprints in Time'.
Troja Château hosts an exhibition of statues and art objects
2.9.2019 — Until the 3rd of November, an exhibition of Prague City Gallery 'Aleš Hnízdil, Jiří Kačer - Sculptures and Objects' is taking place in Troja Château in Prague 7. Both artists' work is exhibited inside the chateau and in the Baroque garden.
Beautiful but deadly Amazon poison dart frogs
16.9.2020 — Visitors to Prague Zoo can admire a collection of thirty species of poison dart frogs in the Gočár Houses Gallery until the end of October. Guided tours and workshops will take place throughout the exhibition. Poison dart frog is the common name for a group of frogs in the Dendrobatidae family which are native to tropical Central and South America. Despite their small size of only few centimetres, poison dart frogs are not only fascinating, but also truly deadly frogs. Only a fleeting touch of the frog can be fatal to a predator, and a tiny droplet of their poison can kill an animal the size of a horse. Moreover, these frogs do not excrete only one type of poison, but a mixture of several different toxic substances.
Václav Havel Library presents famous journalist’s memoir
5.10.2019 — Barbara Coudenhove-Kalergi's autobiography 'Home is Everywhere' will be presented in Prague by the author, who will read from the book in the Václav Havel Library on the 7th of October.
Christmas exhibition on medieval masterpieces
16.12.2019 — The National Gallery has been running an exhibition on mediaeval and early Renaissance art in the Convent of St. Agnes of Bohemia in the Old Town of Prague since November. On the 18th of December, the National Gallery is organising Christmas guided tours to selected Christmas-themed panel paintings and 14thand 15th century sculptures, with themes such as Christ's childhood, the Adoration of the Magi, and Madonna with Child, among others.