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Celkem záznamů: 30134

12.7.2023 — SIMPLIFIED PROSPECTUS CITY OF PRAGUE €200,000,000 3.125 per cent. Notes due 2023 The issue price of the €200,000,000 3.125 per cent. Notes due 2023 (the “Notes”) issued by the City...


12.7.2023 — SIMPLIFIED PROSPECTUS CITY OF PRAGUE €200,000,000 3.125 per cent. Notes due 2023 The issue price of the €200,000,000 3.125 per cent. Notes due 2023 (the “Notes”) issued by the City...


12.7.2023 — SIMPLIFIED PROSPECTUS CITY OF PRAGUE €200,000,000 3.125 per cent. Notes due 2023 The issue price of the €200,000,000 3.125 per cent. Notes due 2023 (the “Notes”) issued by the City...


3.6.2011 — kap01 Příloha č. 3 k Důvodové zprávě I. BĚŽNÉ A KAPITÁLOVÉ VÝDAJE ČLENĚNÉ PODLE ORJ k 31.12.2010 Hlavní město Praha celkem - v tis. Kč 01 - ROZVOJ OBCE Rozpočet...