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Celkem záznamů: 17866
Visit Prague

19.6.2014 — The vitality of Prague relates not only to the quality of its architecture and performing arts but also to the quality of life of its inhabitants, its level of educational development and the reach of its cultural resonance.

Buy vegetables from takeaway windows in the Prague Market

13.4.2020 — After the closure of the popular vegetable market in Hall 22 of the Prague Market due to the coronavirus pandemic measures, the authorities have allowed fresh produce to be sold safely through takeaway windows.

Praha zahájila spolupráci s Varšavou

16.3.2017 — Hlavní město Praha navázalo spolupráci s partnery z Varšavy v rámci mezinárodního projektu MOBILE IN EUROPE. Ten byl předložen a schválen v polském národním operačním programu „Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development (POWER), kde se jedna z oblastí zaměřuje na téma nadnárodní mobility.

‘Culture at Home’ offers content in one place

17.4.2020 — Due to the coronavirus crisis, the cultural scene has been forced to move online from theatres, clubs, museums and concert halls. A platform that brings online cultural content together has recently been created. The project, launched on the 12th of April, is called 'Kultura doma'('Culture at Home').