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Celkem záznamů: 65011
Smart and inexpensive transport during European Mobility Week

16.9.2019 — European Mobility Week is the world's largest sustainable mobility campaign. The campaign, which has been held since 2002, will take place from the 16th to the 22ndof September. European Mobility Week is organised in dozens of European cities as an initiative of the European Commission. It aims to offer city inhabitants alternative modes of transport, and to show them ways to travel around the city quickly and cleverly.

Obecní dům zajistí natočení dokumentárního filmu o W. A. Mozartovi

9.11.2004 — Rada hl. m. Prahy na dnešním zasedání snížila rozpočtovou rezervu v kapitole kultura o celkem 1 133 tis. Kč a v kapitole granty o 150 tis. Kč.