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TISKOVÁ ZPRÁVA: Prague Jazz Week 2008, 9-17.8.2008

19.6.2008 — Pozvánka na Prague Jazz Week 2008

Prague hosts unique photography festival

9.10.2020 — Fotograf Festival, which takes place in Prague until the 18th of October, is a festival of photography, which explores the relationship between contemporary art and photography. A series of exhibitions and film screenings in several locations in Prague will be organised, as well as lectures, debates with artists and performances. The motto of this year's festival is 'Uneven Ground'. Come to explore the unknown, the unexpected, the other. In eight connected exhibitions, organisers offer various perspectives, creating and examining connections between artists from different generations and places, as well as between photographers and their models or objects. In doing so, they connect not only one person with another, but also the known with the unknown.

Cappella Mariana s belgickým Goeyvaerts Triem propojí starou a soudobou hudbu

12.2.2024 — V úterý 20. února 2024 od 19:30 hodin se v kostele sv. Šimona a Judy uskuteční koncert českého vokálního souboru Cappella Mariana. Ten si na svůj únorový koncert přizval belgický hudební soubor Goeyvaerts String Trio a hráčku na organetto Catalinu Vicens. Koncert, který se koná v rámci cyklu Stará hudba FOK, je věnován památce tragicky zesnulé české muzikoložky a ředitelky Ústavu hudební vědy Filozofické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy Lenky Hlávkové.