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Vyhledané záznamy
Celkem záznamů: 22962
Primátor Tomáš Hudeček pronesl úvodní slovo na konferenci Aspen Institute Prague
10.6.2014 — Pražský primátor Tomáš Hudeček dnes přednesl úvodní slovo na konferenci Aspen Institute Prague pod názvem "The Big Bang. 25 Years since Annus Mirabilis“, jejímž tématem jsou společenské a jiné změny v Evropě za uplynulých 25 let.
Swiss DJ returns to Roxy Dance Club
17.8.2020 — On the night of the 21st of August, Nora En Pure, a talented DJ, will show her mixing skills at the Roxy Music Club. The artist regularly returns to the Czech capital and Prague audiences love her. Nora En Pure was born as Daniela Di Lillo in Johannesburg in 1990, to South African-Swiss parents. She grew up in Zurich, where she learnt to play various instruments from a young age. Nora and electronic music
Conifers in Prague Botanical Garden
30.7.2020 — Summer 2020 in Prague Botanical Garden is dedicated to conifers. Araucaria, Podocarpus, and Agathis (commonly known as kauri or dammara) are not the names of mythical animals, but of conifers that the garden will introduce as part of an exhibition that will take place until the end of August. Children will have the opportunity to learn all about conifers with characters from 'Čtyřlístek', popular Czech comic books for children.
Premium canoe slalom race in Prague
31.7.2019 — The ICF World Ranking Race will take place in Prague Troja on the 3rd and 4th of August. In addition to the many successful athletes who will be taking part, you can also look forward to a rich accompanying programme. The ICF World Ranking Race returns to Prague after a very successful first year, and Prague Troja will host the world-class slalom races once again.
Sting bude první hvězdou Prague Metronome Festivalu
9.12.2016 — Jeden z nejpopulárnějších světových hudebníků Sting poprvé v Česku vystoupí na festivalovém pódiu. Bude prvním headlinerem Prague Metronome Festivalu, který se odehraje od 23. do 24. června 2017 na pražském Výstavišti.
Praha se představí na veletrhu Holiday World
13.2.2017 — Hlavní město Praha letos otevře společný stánek pro aktivity magistrátu i příspěvkových organizací na 26. středoevropském veletrhu cestovního ruchu Holiday World. Ten se koná 16. – 19. února na holešovickém Výstavišti. Hlavním organizátorem prezentace hlavního města je odbor památkové péče MHMP a organizace Prague City Tourism.
PKF – Prague Philharmonia
10.12.2013 —
Prague Proms 2021
7.6.2021 —
Prioritou je dostat Pražany z aut do MHD, říká nový radní pro dopravu
9.12.2014 — novinky.cz | 9.12.2014 | Rubrika: Domácí | Strana: 0 | Autor: Václav Lang | Téma: Volené orgány - Rada - Petr Dolínek
AghaRTA Prague Jazz Festival
3.9.2014 —
7.3.2012 —
Metropole bude podporovat pražský mezinárodní maraton minimálně do roku 2019
19.8.2014 — Hlavní město bude i nadále podporovat konání Prague International Maraton (PIM) na svém území. Pražští radní dnes posvětili dodatek, který prodlužuje platnost dřívější dohody o spolupráci až do konce roku 2019. Dodatek obsahuje také změnu startu a cíle podzimního závodu Grand Prix z původně Staroměstského náměstí na ulici Na Příkopě.
Informace o dopravním opatření v souvislosti s akcí United Islands of Prague
22.6.2011 — V sobotu 25. června 2011 se na Janáčkově nábřeží a na Střeleckém ostrově uskuteční tradiční kulturní akce United Islands of Prague. Očekává se velký počet návštěvníků, a proto s ohledem na bezpečnost budou Janáčkovo nábřeží v úseku ulic Pavla Švandy ze Semčic – Vítězná a most Legií po celý den pro automobilovou dopravu uzavřeny.
A commentary on the competence of the National Heritage Institute (NHI) and PCH-HD stipulated in Act No. 20/1987 Coll., On State Monument Care, and other valid legal regulations
17.12.2012 — Information for building offices and investors in the City of Prague in terms of competence of the National Heritage Institute, regional centre in Prague and the National Heritage Institute central office
Prague Music Performance / projekt MusicPainting
28.4.2017 —
Prague Music Performance / Adrian Belew
21.4.2017 —
Prague: the heart of nations
29.5.2019 — The 21st international festival, "Prague Heart of Nations 2019", is the largest joint event for minorities in the Czech Republic, bringing a wealth of traditions from nations around the world. From the 30th of May to the 3rd of June, the festival will symbolically take place in the heart of Europe - the historical centre of Prague. Since 1999, musicians, singers and dancers have come to the Czech capital to perform traditional folk art from their native countries. This year, Prague will welcome a wide range of artists once again.
Competition in collecting of waste paper
3.6.2005 —
Prague City Gallery: introducing young artists
30.4.2019 — Prague City Gallery has prepared yet another exhibition as part of the 'Start up' series, which is a great opportunity for younger generations of Czech visual artists.
Horseracing Season Starts in Velká Chuchle
2.4.2019 — On the 7th of April 2019, this year's horseracing season will begin in Velká Chuchle. The day will bring a total of eight races. The highlights of the opening afternoon will be the 92nd Gomba Handicap and the 61st April Stakes.
Finanční příspěvky města pro sportovní akce
10.6.2008 — Rada hlavního města Prahy schválila přidělení finančních prostředků v celkové výši 5 780 000 korun na podporu sportovních akcí v roce 2008. Hlavní město Praha na tyto akce přispívá a podporuje je v rámci partnerství při jejich pořádání.
Spooky pumpkins in Prague Botanical Garden
30.10.2019 — Like every year, Prague Botanical Garden is getting ready for the Halloween celebrations on the last day of October. Pumpkin carving, games, competitions, a bonfire and, of course, a pumpkin parade will be part of the celebrations. Come and join the Halloween celebrations in Prague Botanical Garden.
Prague Film Fund se změní na Pražský audiovizuální nadační fond, změna zakládací listiny přinese i řadu inovací
5.9.2022 — Nadační fond Praha ve filmu Prague Film Fund se změní na Pražský audiovizuální nadační fond. Změna názvu reflektuje celosvětovou změnu názvosloví i trendů v audiovizi. Změny v pražském nadačním fondu připravilo město a správní rada nadace ve spolupráci s Asociací producentů v audiovizi (APA).
Prague Music Performance
11.4.2022 —
7.1.2008 —
Prague’s ferries at Vltava
21.6.2008 —
Come and listen to music like in Mozart's era
31.7.2019 — Famous organ concerts in the baroque church of St. Francis of Assisi, in the heart of the Old Town of Prague, have their tradition since 1993. Besides compositions by world-famous composers from the Baroque and Classicism periods, music by Czech composers is also regularly played there.
Representative of Czech slapstick Michael Rittstein exhibits at Prague Castle
30.11.2019 — Michael Rittstein, an artist who uses bold colours and large formats, is celebrating his 70th birthday. A selection of his work was collected in the Prague Castle Riding School for the occasion. The exhibition 'In Waves' can only be seen until the 5th of January 2020.
Biggest international floorball tournament comes to Prague
5.8.2019 — The international floorball tournament Czech Open 2019 will take place in thirteen halls across Prague from the 8th to the 11th of August. The tournament is not only for elite world teams, but also for amateur and junior teams. The 28th international floorball tournament is considered one of the largest and most prestigious in the world. The biggest stars regularly come to Prague for this event.
British singer Jade Bird presents self-titled debut album in Prague
29.2.2020 — British musician Jade Bird will play her style of American folk music at NoD Roxy club in Prague on the 2nd of March. This will be her first performance in the Czech Republic. British singer-songwriter Jade Elizabeth Bird is rapidly becoming one of the most interesting young, female voices in music. She has distinctive vocals and strong melodies, and brilliantly interprets American folk for European ears.
Prague Zoo exhibition captures the beauty of Przewalski’s horses
31.10.2020 — Do not despair if you missed the exhibition 'The Beauty of Wild Horses' in Prague Zoo before its closure. The garden has prepared an online version of the exhibition, which is now available on their website. Prague Zoo has played an important role in saving Przewalski's horse from extinction since 1921, and more recently, in returning these wild horses to their natural habitat, the steppes of central Asia. The zoo also keeps a breed registry for Przewalski's horse species.
Final farewell to Karel Gott
10.10.2019 — Up to 300,000 people are expected to come to Žofín Palace in Prague to pay their final respects to Karel Gott this Friday. Masarykovo Embankment, which is close to the venue, will be pedestrianised. The Office of the Government of the Czech Republic will work with the police, the army and Prague City Hall for the smooth organisation of the event.
21 projects compete in climate change competition finals
16.8.2020 — The public voting for the Adapterra Awards competition has started. The competition aims to find the best ideas on how to prepare Czech cities, towns and landscapes for the effects of climate change, such as drought, rising temperatures and torrential rain. 21 projects have reached the final stage of the competition, five of which are from Prague. The public have until the end of September to choose the best projects in the Czech Republic tackling current challenges regarding climate change, such as creating green buildings and public spaces, cooling urban streets and returning water to the landscape.