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Celkem záznamů: 17863
Support Czech culture by buying ‘Nothing’ tickets

7.4.2020 — A nationwide project to support theatres, concert halls, clubs and artists has been launched. 'NIC' tickets have been on sale since the 1st of April. 'Nic' means 'nothing' in Czech and that is the aim of this project - as cultural events cannot take place, cultural institutions and artists need your support. According to Hana Třeštíková, Prague City Councillor for Culture, Czech people are inventive, so instead of simply asking for donations, they came up with a plan to sell tickets for 'non-existing' cultural events, which will (not) take place on the 1st of May.

Six film-premieres at the Scandi festival

8.1.2020 — Scandi, the festival of the best current Nordic cinema, offers dramas, thrillers, and provocative documentaries. The festival will take place in Prague cinemas Lucerna, Edison Filmhub, Evald and Atlas from the 9th to the 12th of January.

Pražský primátor Pavel Bém předal stříbrnou medaili Hlavního města Prahy Waldemarovi Matuškovi in memoriam a Karlu Gottovi

25.6.2009 — Primátor hlavního města Prahy Pavel Bém udělil ve čtvrtek 25. června cenu Hlavního města Prahy – stříbrnou medaili – Waldemaru Matuškovi in memoriam a Karlu Gottovi jako zvláštní projev úcty a ocenění jejich reprezentace v oblasti populární hudby a zásluh o šíření mezinárodního věhlasu HMP. Primátor Bém ve svém projevu poděkoval oběma umělcům za jejich celoživotní práci a vyjádřil zármutek nad smrtí Waldemara Matušky.