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Celkem záznamů: 17863
Co po nás zůstane?

7.11.2024 — Po běžné čtyřčlenné rodině za celý její život takhle velká hromada textilního odpadu. Není to moc? A co vlastně s ním, když už ho nechceme?

Dramatic stage reading on the square

30.5.2020 — Masopust theatre company has prepared a dramatic stage reading of 'The Resurrection and Death of Jesus' by the Norwegian author Fredrik Brattberg under Miloslav König's direction. The premiere will take place on Thursday, the 4th of June, in Na Zábradlí Theatre, when the actors will dramatically read from the theatre's windows for spectators in Anenské Square below. Miloslav König is a long-time member of Masopust theatre company. A former actor, he took over the role of artistic director this spring.

Zoo Praha dá víc peněz na záchranu ohrožených druhů

27.1.2020 — Rada hl. m. Prahy dnes schválila zvýšení příspěvku, který pražská zoologická zahrada odvádí ze vstupného na podporu projektů na záchranu ohrožených druhů zvířat ve volné přírodě (in-situ projektů). Dosud šly na tento účel z každého vstupu tři koruny, nyní to bude pět korun.

Prague City Council

19.11.2018 — Prague City Council has 11 members and is elected by Prague City Assembly. Its members are the Mayor of Prague, 4 Deputy Mayors of Prague and 6 Councillors. Meetings are held every Tuesday (or other days when needed) and are not public. Every citizen has the right to consult the minutes from the meetings. The Council is accountable for its actions to the Assembly.

Prague City Hall

19.6.2014 —

Prague launches a new campaign to tackle coronavirus.

30.10.2020 — The city of Prague will launch a new campaign from Monday, the 26th of October, showing the faces of the frontline workers fighting the pandemic every day.