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Celkem záznamů: 17872

11.3.2004 — SPD 3 final z EK.doc Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic in Co-operation with the City of Prague SINGLE PROGRAMMING DOCUMENT FOR OBJECTIVE 3 OF THE NUTS 2 PRAGUE...


2.12.2011 — DRUG POLICY STRATEGY of the Capital City of Prague for the period 2008 to 2012 Compiled by Mgr. Nina Janyšková, Drug Coordinator of the City of Prague ...


24.2.2009 — DRUG POLICY STRATEGY of the Capital City of Prague for the period 2008 to 2012 Compiled by Mgr. Nina Janyšková, Drug Coordinator of the City of Prague KOPPR Regional Department of Drug...


2.12.2011 — DRUG POLICY STRATEGY of the Capital City of Prague for the period 2008 to 2012 Compiled by Mgr. Nina Janyšková, Drug Coordinator of the City of Prague ...


24.2.2009 — DRUG POLICY STRATEGY of the Capital City of Prague for the period 2008 to 2012 Compiled by Mgr. Nina Janyšková, Drug Coordinator of the City of Prague KOPPR Regional Department of Drug...


12.7.2023 — 1 Zápis z 8. mimořádného jednání Rady hlavního města Prahy, které se konalo ve středu dne 21. prosince 2022 od 09:00 hodin v zasedací síni Rady HMP Předsedající: primátor hl. m....