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Celkem záznamů: 17863
Acropolis Palace hosts traditional Indian music concert

17.11.2019 — On the 18th of November, Lakha Khan, the greatest living musician of the sārangī, an Indian instrument, will perform at the Acropolis Palace. He will be accompanied by his son, who holds many music awards.

Temporary suspension of tram lines between ‘Vozovna Motol’ and ‘Sídliště Řepy’

16.6.2019 — From the 15th to the 28th of June 2019, the operation of tram lines in Prague 17, Řepy, will be partially interrupted due to the replacement of parts of the tracks in the Prague 17 district.

Primátor poblahopřál absolventům Univerzity of New York in Prague

30.6.2003 — V sobotu odpoledne poblahopřál primátor hl.m.Prahy MUDr.Pavel Bém ve slavnostně vyzdobené Míčovně Pražského hradu absolventům Univerzity of New York in Prague. Ocenil jejich studijní výsledky na prestižní škole a popřál studentům úspěch v životě, který je pro ně i díky absolutoriu americké univerzity otevřen dokořán.

Emergency measures put in place from the 12th to the 25th of October

10.10.2020 — On the 8th of October 2020, following the declaration of a national emergency due to the increase in COVID cases, the Czech Government decided to take emergency measures to reduce the spread of the pandemic.

Pravidelně sledované profily na vodních tocích - tabulka

13.5.2005 — informace z ročenky Praha ŽP 2004