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Celkem záznamů: 22963

30.11.2011 — There are many ways how to travel in Prague: the beauty of the city can be explored by tram, metro, bus, boat, funicular, taxi, car or bike. The most comfortable way to travel in the historical centre is the public transport, which can take you almost anywhere. It is cheap and quick. Travelling by car is recommended only exceptionally.

Praha ožije duhovým festivalem

5.8.2024 — Od dnešního dne až do neděle 11. srpna se v metropoli uskuteční festival Prague Pride.

Outdoor exhibition of selected photos from the Czech Nature Photo competition

4.10.2020 — Visitors to the Ekocetrum Prales (meaning 'rainforest') in the Kbely district of Prague can admire an outdoor exhibition of selected photographs from this year's Czech Nature Photo competition until the end of October. 'Lesy hl. m. Prahy' (Prague City Forests) became one of the partners of the competition this year and the pictures have already been exhibited in the Wild Garden Hostivař.

Summer art exhibition in the Škoda Palace

9.7.2020 — This summer, you can admire the painter Eva Erbsová's works in the lobby of the Škoda Palace. The painter exhibits regularly in the Škoda Palace, one of Prague City Hall's buildings, in recent years. This time, she selected paintings inspired by exhibits of the National Technical Museum in Prague in Letná.

Road traffic noise

2.7.2007 — information from the yearbooks Prague Environment 2006, 2005 and 2004

Mercedes-Benz Prague Fashion Week 2024

26.8.2024 — Od 29. srpna do 4. září 2024 bude pražský barokní Clam-Gallasově palác patřit módě. Uskuteční se tady 12 módních přehlídek Mercedes-Benz Prague Fashion Week 2024, které představí letošní podzimní edici.