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Celkem záznamů: 17862
Praha začala očkovat lidi bez domova jednorázovou vakcínou přímo v terénu

13.7.2021 — Hlavní město ve spolupráci s Armádou spásy, Nadějí a Drop Inem spustilo očkování lidí bez přístřeší jednodávkovou vakcínou Janssen přímo v terénu. Po řadě jednání v minulých týdnech k tomu dalo svolení ministerstvo zdravotnictví. Tam, kde stát neproplatí aplikaci očkovací látky, zajistí úhradu Praha.

Discover Prague through Michael W. Pospíšil’s photographs

8.6.2020 — L'Institut français de Prague (French Institute of Prague) is holding an exhibition called 'Prague etc...' by Czech-French photographer Michael W. Pospíšil until the 4th of July. The exhibition is held at Gallery 35 on Štěpánská Street, part of the French Institute which supports connection between French and Czech art.

Bioindication environmental monitoring – regular monitoring of living organisms at selected localities

21.6.2007 — Certain plants and animals reacts to the growing load in a more sensitive manner than humans, they allow to register effects and assess the level of acceptability of local conditions to human population in advance /text based on the chapter Regular monitoring of living organisms at selected localities (bioindication monitoring) published in yearbook Prague Environment 2006/.

Statistics 2016

21.5.2015 —

Statistics 2017

21.5.2015 — Statistics 2017

Changes to Prague public transport in autumn and winter

31.10.2019 — Prague's integrated public transport system will soon undergo several changes. The development of the D metro line and new tram lines, large-capacity, convenient and comfortable transport, remains a priority. As regards bus lines, the city of Prague is preparing to adjust timetables in response to occupancy issues, especially in the quiet months of January and February, in order to make bus transport more effective.

Prague Golf Challenge tournament in Zbraslav

6.5.2019 — Prague Golf Challenge is part of the European Challenge Tour, which is the second-tier men's professional golf tour in Europe.

Prague Zoo bringing vultures back to Bulgaria

15.9.2019 — For a long time, Prague Zoo has been involved in the project of returning Egyptian vultures (Neophron percnopterus) to the Balkans, which was once their natural habitat.